Numerical Gradient Descent in MATLAB

Gradient Descent is an iterative optimization algorithm with the goal of finding the minimum of a function. The gradient of a function points in the direction of the steepest ascent, and hence, by moving in the opposite direction - the direction of steepest descent - we hope to reach a local minimum of the function. Conceptually, it's analogous to finding the lowest point in a valley by taking steps proportional to the slope of the hill at your current position. This is a simple implementation using MATLAB.

function GradientDescent()

    % Define the function and its gradient
    syms x y
    f = @(x, y) (1 - x)^2 + 100 * (y - x^2)^2; % Rosenbrock function
    grad_f = matlabFunction(gradient(f(x, y), [x, y])); % Gradient of the function

    % Initialize
    alpha = 0.001; % Learning rate
    tolerance = 1e-6; % Stopping criterion
    max_iter = 10000; % Maximum number of iterations
    x = [-1; -1]; % Starting point

    % Create the grid for the 3D plot
    [X, Y] = meshgrid(-2:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2);
    Z = f(X, Y);

    % Plot the function
    surf(X, Y, Z);
    hold on;
    title('Gradient Descent');

    % Perform Gradient Descent
    for i = 1:max_iter
        % Calculate the gradient
        g = grad_f(x(1), x(2));

        % Update the current point
        x_new = x - alpha * g;

        % Check for convergence
        if norm(x_new - x) < tolerance

        % Plot the step
        Z_new = f(x_new(1), x_new(2));
        plot3([x(1), x_new(1)], [x(2), x_new(2)], [f(x(1),x(2)), Z_new], 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
        plot3(x_new(1), x_new(2), Z_new, 'ro', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r', 'MarkerSize', 6);

        % Update x
        x = x_new;
    hold off;